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How does your garden grow?


Not only the garden of your environment

but your inner garden- the garden of your soul?


The word garden, for most, evokes a mental image of a peaceful place, a haven or sanctuary. Like any garden found in the natural world, tending to your inner garden takes time and patience. Its a slow ,dedicated, ongoing process that lasts a lifetime.

Gardens if left untended or ignored are soon consumed by weeds,and anyone who has ever cared for a garden knows how tenacious weeds can be.


Is there a neglected corner of your interior garden that is neglected or overgrown? What are the weeds in your garden made of ? …. Excessive stress, anxiety, doubt, fear?


Is there a missing ingredient that if added will nurture the soil of your spirit to grow your longings and visions to fruition?


If you feel it’s time to examine a long ignored corner of your heart and soul to determine what aspects of your life are no longer serving you, we invite you to seed your soul with our healing services .


Our therapies include : Crystal Healing, Chakra Balancing, Reiki,  Angel Guide Oracle Readings, Chromotherapy, Aromatherapy and Sound Healing.




In the soil of your “interior” garden, What do you long to seed, cultivate, and nurture to grow to fruition? What does your spirit need to grow and thrive?

Our Mission

 Our Mission on a broad scale is to normalize spirituality, on a micro scale our aim is to educate our clients regarding the merit of crystal healing and taking care of their bodies with reverence, in conjunction with other medical treatments prescribed by your health care provider.
Therapies such as Crystal healing and Reiki can greatly reduce stress, chronic pain and strengthen the immune system among other things, but does not guarantee a cure and should not be substituted for medical or physiological treatments.
These therapies are meant to support our clients in healing themselves so they can prevent dis-ease and live longer, vital lives.

Soul Garden Energy Healing Services

Allow us to help you make a sanctuary of your interior world with our assortment of healing therapies to assist in clearing the “weeds” from your inner garden.

Clear, align, and restore the energy centers of the body to strengthen your bodies natural ability to heal on all levels.

Together we can co create space for healthy and vibrant life to grow to full bloom.

Grow in wellness with our natural healing services for emotional, physical and spiritual support.




What are Chakras? 

  • First chakra: This chakra represents stability, security and our basic needs and when unblocked. It is said to help us feel safe and fearless.

  • Second chakra: This chakra is our centre of creativity and helps us express ourselves.

  • Third chakra: A source of personal power.

  • Fourth chakra: This energy point unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit and acts as a bridge between our body, mind, emotions and spirit.

  • Fifth chakra: This chakra is situated in the neck and is a source of verbal expression and helps our ability to speak our highest truth.

  • Sixth chakra: Located in between the eyebrows, this chakra is often called the “third eye” and represents our centre of intuition.

  • Seventh Chakra: The Sahaswara chakra or the “thousand petal lotus” chakra is located at the crown of the head. This is the chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection to ourselves and others.

 the word “chakra” from Sanskrit translates to “wheel” or “disk,” but references a spiritual energy center within the human body, of which there are seven along the spine, through the center of the body.


Balancing the Chakra system simply means to realign and balance the bodies Bio Energy Field, or also known as the Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) , or Aura.


When an individuals chakra system is in balance, they feel safe, grounded, empowered, loved, and connected to source, which helps them navigate through life with more comfort and ease.

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Monday -Sunday

10 am -6pm

 Discover a bountiful harvest of blessings, in your radiant spirit with Soul Garden Healing.

Come Visit Us!


We are located in the New Silver Pyramid Healing and

Wellness Center

101 S Coit Rd #102, Richardson, TX 75080


©2019 by Soul Garden Energy Healing

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